Rara's Blog

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Who was George Washington?

Filed under: 6th Grade,Writing — 044387 at 10:39 am on Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Who was George Washington?

By Tyra

I’ve seen George Washington on a paper money before, my mommy told me that he was America’s very first president. It sounds crazy, letting a 4 year old tell you about presidents, but believe me, I know a lot about George Washington. So just sit back and read.

George Washington fought in the revolutionary war. He and his soldier men suffered through hard times. It was super cold and, sadly, a bunch of his soldiers died. Once him and his soldiers came back to their home town the people were super happy to see their husbands and daddys again. Later the state chose him to be a president. After four years, it was time to choose somebody else for president. America loved George Washington so much that he got chose to be president again. He stayed president for nine years. He soon met a woman named Martha. Soon they got married. Now you know who George Washington is. Now I have to go, my mommy is calling me to come drink my grape juice.

October 13

Filed under: 6th Grade,Uncategorized,Writing — 044387 at 1:41 pm on Monday, October 13, 2014

One area in the world that I would like to explore is Hawaii. The reason why is because I have never been to Hawaii before and I’ve heard it is very iteresting there.