Rara's Blog

Sweet Blog

Hey Guys!!!

Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 7:52 pm on Friday, March 25, 2016

Hey guys! Im not sure if you are reading this right now but if you are I just wanted to tell you I am so excited for you to come to Skyview (all you 6th graders) and I know you really will love it! If you guys ever have any questions about it or you need some help you can always come and ask me! Its a bummer Mr.D isnt at the school and I know you loved him too because I loved him and he was my most favorite teacher. He is the reason why I have a freakishly weird obsession to write… he he. You know what I’m talking about! 😉 Anyways, just hang in there, its fourth quarter! Have fun! I’m super excited for what the next year will bring. Cant wait to see you and have an awesome last quarter. Its the last one of 2016 after all! wink* wink* (there was no wink face, something is wrong with that.)

My Expository writing paper

Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 10:19 am on Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How to Care for a Dog

By: Tyra

Did you know that a dog is man’s best friend? Have you ever wanted to know how to care for a dog? Well now you can, if you keep reading you will learn how to feed, water, and exercise and how to give your dog a bath.

Woof, woof! Your dog is hungry and thirsty; let’s give him or her some food and water. If your dog is just a puppy, give it puppy food. If you have old dog give it just regular dog food in an eight by six inch dog bowl. When your dog is thirsty give it regular, clean water.

Howl, woof, woof! Your pup wants to play; let’s bring him or her outside to the yard. I usually take my dogs on a run not a walk. If your dog is playful, take him or her in too the yard to play. Dogs love to chase balls. If your dog runs off, don’t worry, they usually come back. If they don’t come back right away call their name a few times then go inside and they should be back in a few minutes.

Itch, itch! Your dog needs a bath; let’s bring him or her to the tub. If your dog is under the age of one year old you should use puppy shampoo.  Your dog should have bath every six months, but when they roll around in that “delightful” smelling dead fish a bath would be fine. If you don’t want to wash them, bring them to a groomer.

So you wanted to learn how to care for a dog and you did. You learned how to feed, water, exercise, and how to clean your dog.

Lunch Time Tips in Mr. Devolld’s class

Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 5:49 pm on Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lunch Time Tips

By Tyra

 Slurp, Snap, Pop, Crunch. It sounds like Mr.Devollds class is eating lunch. Are you ready to learn about lunch time in our class? Here you will learn about how lunch dismissal goes, how to use the microwave right and how to act and clean up at lunch time.

Well, first before anybody gets their lunches mr.Devolld dismisses hot lunchers. After the hot lunchers are gone he lets the young ladies get their lunches first so that the young men learn to be polite and patient.

The other thing we should talk about is the microwave, the microwave is for everybody, but the rules are that if you have a long time or a longer time than the other person waiting for the microwave, let them go first, if you have less time than the person waiting you can go first, if they say “no” remember to say “what about the rule?”

Also, the way to eat in this class is easy, all you have to do is keep your voice down, don’t steal other kid’s food, no trading food, giving food, sharing food or sneaking food from other kids. After you are done eating you throw away food that you are not going to eat anymore and the garbage around your table, sweep the floor if needed and get ready to go outside for recess.



Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 10:56 am on Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Beavers Tail

By Tyra

This is the story of how the beaver got its flat tail. A long time ago in the woods of Alaska there was an animal maker named Aki. He could talk to the animals and he was good friends with all of the animals.

One day Aki was going to make a new creature, it was called a beaver. First he made the head, then the body; finally it was time for the tail, but just as he started to make the tail one of Aki’s oldest friends, Chickadee, came up to Aki and chirped, “How are you today Aki? What new creature are you making today?”

“I am making a new creature that is called a beaver,” Aki replied “I must concentrate hard on making him.” The chickadee ignored that comment, “I have been flying all afternoon and…” Aki got upset because his friend was ignoring him when he was trying to make another animal, “Chickadee, I cannot talk right now, go away!” Aki exclaimed.

“As I was saying, I have been flying all afternoon trying to find somebody to talk to and when I saw you I was so happy and I flew down so fast and then…” chickadee chirped. Aki was so mad, his face was beet red. He had made the beavers tail perfect but then Aki got mad and screamed “GO AWAY!!!!!” He slammed the palms of his hands hard on the table and accidently squished the beaver’s tail flat. “LOOK AT WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!!!!!” hollered Aki.

“I’m so sorry Aki; I just wanted to talk to you.” Chickadee squeaked. Chickadee knew that he was going to be in trouble. “Now this creature has a flat tail because of you!” Aki grumbled, “Oh well, I better make him into a real animal now.” Then Aki used some of his magic to make the beaver become a real animal. “The beaver is born, Chickadee, now do you want to help me carry this baby beaver into the river where he belongs?” Aki questioned.

“Yes Aki, I would like to help you.” Chickadee squawked. A couple minutes later, at the pond, the baby beaver woke up and squeaked, “Hello. Where am I?”


Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 10:53 am on Wednesday, October 30, 2013


By Tyra

It was a crisp fall day in the year 2017 at the Outdoor Education Center [OEC].  The scent of pine trees was being carried by the wind.  Armies of Mosquitos were buzzing around.   Frogs were hip-hopping all over the place and moose were resting and drinking water in the mossy bogs of the OEC.  It was like the beautiful, crunchy leaves were dancing in the sky.  It was all so peaceful.  Then, the next week there was a problem.

Suddenly hunters, fisherman, schools and even just random people decided that they would use the OEC bogs as their garbage drop off!  Then, one day, nice Ranger Michelle came to me and my best friend Zoey and sniffled, “The OEC is not going to be available anymore because of the trash!” We were so sad.  So Zoey and I got ready to pick up some trash.  We got strong, black trash bags and clear, plastic gloves.  We started the clean-up clean right away.  “Let’s get to it!” shouted Zoey.

On our way to the bogs we saw that many animals had passed away, others had moved away altogether because of the pollution. The land was littered with junk like old cars, pop cans, plastic grocery bags, candy wrappers and more. “This place looks exactly like the dump!” I exclaimed.

“Look at how the pollution oozed through the moss,” Zoey sniffled, “How did this happen?” Zoey mumbled.

“The reason the animals are dying is because when the animals drank the water from the bog they were actually drinking pollution that seeped through the moss.  They were also dying because they would get tangled in plastic bags.” I explained to Zoey. “They were trying to eat the candy wrappers then they would choke.” Zoey started to silently cry.

“Why would anybody do this? It was such a beautiful place?!” Zoey whimpered “It used to look so pretty and now it looks so … so … gross!”   After we were done for the day, we walked to the dump with the trash that we had picked up.

We worked hard for two long months and finally we got all the trash picked up. “Good job,” Zoey exclaimed, “We did a good thing.”  A few weeks later we saw that lots of the animals came back.  The birds built their nests and the wolves, moose, bears and other animals had their young there and the OEC was opened back up and nobody littered at the Outdoor Education Center ever again.

TESTS!!!!!!!! : – (

Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 7:42 am on Tuesday, April 2, 2013

This week we are having ………….


at least reading and writing is first and math is last I am not a big fan of math. good bye .


Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 10:27 am on Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hi, do you want to know why I named my blog  ” Timber-twinkle- toes “? Well about a year ago I had a puppy named ” Timber ” she was a husky and we had her for a pretty long time but when she grew to be about one year old she was a little to crazy for our family so we sold to a family  that raced huskies  in the dog sled races, so to remember her I named my blog ” Timber-twinkle- toes “.


Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 2:17 pm on Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hey, I made it to the U.N. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In writing  we have been learning how to use commas. It is the end of the day. This recess I had no one to play with.


Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 2:31 pm on Wednesday, March 6, 2013

please find the 9


Good job!


Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 2:26 pm on Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Did you know that the one of the first people to try to figure out how light & color are connected was “Sir Isaac Newton” ?

The reason why we see color is because of light, if you see  a nice, red apple it is red because it absorbs every color in the rainbow and reflects red.

Did you know that red travels faster than any other color and violet travels slowest

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