Rara's Blog

Sweet Blog

20 things I want to do

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 2:53 pm on Thursday, February 26, 2015

When grow up I want to:

1. Get a collie                                                        9. Go on vacation with two friends

2. Meet Adam Levine                                         10. Write a book

3. Share an apartment with a friend              11. Become famous

4. Take a ride in a hot air balloon                  12. Get a little tattoo of an owl on my ankle

5. Go to Hawaii                                                  13. Buy a Jeep

6. Ride a dolphin again                                  14. Buy a Pontoon

7. Meet a movie star                                       15. Get horses

8. Get on TV                                                      16. Open a restaurant

17. Write poems

18. Collect Squinkies

19. Work at PetCo.

20. Adopt a German Shepard

My Class

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 9:07 am on Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The best thing about my class is that they have a great sense of humor and that they are really fun. I am not super excited to leave our school and go to middle school.

Can I have a Friend over?

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 10:29 am on Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I believe that my parents should let me have a friend over. in this next paragraph I will state why I should have a friend over.

In this paragraph you will read why I should have friend over this weekend. My first reason is that having a friend over would keep me occupied. Number two, if I had a friend over I would be really happy and last but not least, reason 3, if I had a friend over you guys (my parents) could watch TV and not be disturbed (hopefully)

My family as a cookie

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 3:01 pm on Thursday, February 19, 2015

Today I have to compare my family to a cookie. My family is unique, funny, weird and loves the outdoors, so I guess my family would be a Spritz cookie, Spritz have a unique, but delicious taste, they are kind of weird (the recipe) and I love them! That is all I have to say today so see ya!

Feb. 18, 2015

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 11:52 am on Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I think that when you have to overcome an obstacle and meet a goal means that you have to overcome a fear or challenge yourself to do something and meet the goal.

How My Teacher Helps Me

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 10:22 am on Monday, February 16, 2015

Here are three reasons how my teacher helps me,

1) He helps me with my spelling errors,

2) He is super nice,

3) And he can help point you in the correct direction when your goofing off.

And one way I think he could help us even more is by sometimes giving us a little more worktime.

T’was the Night Before Valentines Day

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 10:55 am on Friday, February 13, 2015

Tomorrow is Valentines Day! I am most looking forward to staying home with my family, what I am least looking forward to… well, I don’t really have anything to not look forward to. Usually on Valentines Day, me and my family just sit around and relax. Well, I’ll write later! Bye!

“Everyone has Beauty”

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 2:55 pm on Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Confucius once said “Everyone has Beauty but not everyone sees it.” I think means that everybody is beautiful in the inside but not everybody notices it right off the bat.