Rara's Blog

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Rocket Science… Test #1

Filed under: Science — 044387 at 12:08 pm on Wednesday, December 18, 2013

When our class was expearamenting how to get a rocket in to space mr.DeVolld partnerd Spencer and I up. On the first test we didn’t have any success but we did get some data. The reason we think that we didn’t get to space was because we had to much weight on it so it only went in circles. Our plan was to remove most of our weight and that was supposed to reduce the weight.

My Expository writing paper

Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 10:19 am on Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How to Care for a Dog

By: Tyra

Did you know that a dog is man’s best friend? Have you ever wanted to know how to care for a dog? Well now you can, if you keep reading you will learn how to feed, water, and exercise and how to give your dog a bath.

Woof, woof! Your dog is hungry and thirsty; let’s give him or her some food and water. If your dog is just a puppy, give it puppy food. If you have old dog give it just regular dog food in an eight by six inch dog bowl. When your dog is thirsty give it regular, clean water.

Howl, woof, woof! Your pup wants to play; let’s bring him or her outside to the yard. I usually take my dogs on a run not a walk. If your dog is playful, take him or her in too the yard to play. Dogs love to chase balls. If your dog runs off, don’t worry, they usually come back. If they don’t come back right away call their name a few times then go inside and they should be back in a few minutes.

Itch, itch! Your dog needs a bath; let’s bring him or her to the tub. If your dog is under the age of one year old you should use puppy shampoo.  Your dog should have bath every six months, but when they roll around in that “delightful” smelling dead fish a bath would be fine. If you don’t want to wash them, bring them to a groomer.

So you wanted to learn how to care for a dog and you did. You learned how to feed, water, exercise, and how to clean your dog.