Rara's Blog

Sweet Blog


Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 12:07 pm on Friday, March 1, 2013

Hello I am back from Mexico!!!!!

Hey Guys!!!

Filed under: Writing — 044387 at 7:52 pm on Friday, March 25, 2016

Hey guys! Im not sure if you are reading this right now but if you are I just wanted to tell you I am so excited for you to come to Skyview (all you 6th graders) and I know you really will love it! If you guys ever have any questions about it or you need some help you can always come and ask me! Its a bummer Mr.D isnt at the school and I know you loved him too because I loved him and he was my most favorite teacher. He is the reason why I have a freakishly weird obsession to write… he he. You know what I’m talking about! 😉 Anyways, just hang in there, its fourth quarter! Have fun! I’m super excited for what the next year will bring. Cant wait to see you and have an awesome last quarter. Its the last one of 2016 after all! wink* wink* (there was no wink face, something is wrong with that.)

Miss You!

Filed under: Uncategorized — 044387 at 7:28 am on Monday, June 22, 2015

Hi everyone, it’s me! I miss you guys so much, I wish I could still be in 6th grade! Mammoths Forevs!

K Bay Photo Story

Filed under: Uncategorized — 044387 at 9:03 am on Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hope you like it!

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The Bumbles

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 2:03 pm on Friday, April 17, 2015

The Bumbles wanted to do something fun one hot and sunny day. Jhonny, the youngest said “Well why dont we go to the beach?” So they crowded in to their akward “car” which was really just a donkey pulling a cart. Off they went singing “100 bottles of milk!” They got to the beach and had a wondurful day. The End!

When I Help…

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 1:41 pm on Wednesday, April 15, 2015

When I help people I feel good. When I do somthing good I feel happy because I’m not getting in trouble, most of the time! ; )

Somewhere Else

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 10:42 am on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

If I could be somewhere else right now I would be in Minnesota with my little sister Ella and our dog Dyna. We would go to the park across the street trying to catch squirells or somthing! That is where I would be right now if I could!  Please visit my blog again soon!

Circulatory System, Process Discription

Filed under: 6th Grade,Science — 044387 at 11:06 am on Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Circulatory System is vey important. It is what transports your blood all around your body After all, your blood is what keeps you alive! First your heart squeezes itself tight together. The it relaxes, squirting blood into your arteries. Next your arteries carry your blood all around your body. Then your capillaries jump into action. First they take the oxygen from your blood and gives the blood carbon dioxide. Finally the veins transports your blood back to your heart so the cycle can start over again, it is like a never ending loop.


Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 2:14 pm on Tuesday, March 31, 2015

If I could redo this morning  I would have woke up a little earlier. Then I would be able to go to the Moose’s Loose for breakfast.

The Last Day Of School

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 1:50 pm on Monday, March 30, 2015

“I am so sad mom.” Jhonny wailed. “I am scared to go to middle school. I like it at my school that I’m in NOW!” Jhonny’s mom patted Jhonny’s head. “It’s ok honey bunches. Now, off to school, you don’t want to miss the last day, sugar plum.” Jhonny walked to school. “Ugh, mom’s these days.”Jhonny was sad because he loved the school he was in, he loved his desk, his teacher, his cubby and he loved his friends. At the end of the day Jhonny said his farewells to his friends and teacher and got up on stage at the end of the year assembly and thanked everyone for everything. Then he sang a song.

“How was your day sugar blossom?” Jhonny’s mom asked. “You know, I’m gonna miss my school, but I’m kinda excited for 7th grade!”

How a fan works

Filed under: 6th Grade,Daily Journal — 044387 at 8:38 am on Friday, March 27, 2015

I think a fan works by a motor. Well at least the ones on the ceiling do I think.

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